Saturday, March 31, 2007

house cake

house cake
Originally uploaded by james veltmeyer.
This is Tasmania's hidden secret. People come from all parts of the world to sample this treat. It is a house cake. It is James' mission to eat one every day that we are in Tasmania. So far so good. We are in Tas for a wedding, Anita's brother Stephen is marrying Bronwyn today!

# College mission.
# Stephen & Bronwyn's wedding.
# Time in Tasmania
# House Cakes

# Time together with God.
# Busy time at School (Parent Teacher Interviews) AV
# Building JV

Friday, March 23, 2007


Originally uploaded by james veltmeyer.
College mission kicks off on Sunday 25th & goes to Sunday 1st. I'm going to Gungahlin in sunny Canberra. I will be doing Sunday school in the morning, preaching at 5pm at night and helping with school scripture during the week.

# College mission.
# church at Gungahlin.

# Time together with God.
# Preaching - JV.
# Other ministries - JV.
# Get on top of school work - AV
# People to be saved.
# Good time with host family.
# Anita & I being away from each other.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Originally uploaded by james veltmeyer.
On Saturday we had a game of tennis. We got about 45 minutes of game time until it started raining. Perfect timing for James - he was on a loosing streak, one of the only times he can say he didn't win. I know i would have won if we played on. Of course James blamed the wind.

# College work is going well.
# Rain.

# Time together with God.
# Essays - JV.
# Health - AV
# College mission prep.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

sam & lisa

Lisa & Sam
Originally uploaded by james veltmeyer.
It was Sam & Lisa's engagement party on Sat. Fun was had by all. This photo was taken after I reminded them that they will be husband & wife.

# Sam & Lisa's relationship, which is build on Christ.
# Time with friends on the weekend.

# Time together with God.
# Essays - JV.
# School - AV
# Sam & Lisa - weeding prep.

Sunday, March 04, 2007


Originally uploaded by james veltmeyer.
Dad & mum have resently bought a sidecar. Now they can go together on rides.

# Sidecar - time together.
# Sermon last Sunday.

# Time together with God.
# Essays - JV.
# School - AV
# Safety on road with sidecar. - dad & mum.