Monday, June 29, 2009


Originally uploaded by james veltmeyer
On Saturday I went to a leadership conference for the day. It was great to meet new friends, catch up with other friends, learn news things & be reminded of other things also.

# Fruitful conference.
# People that went along.
# People who organised it & ran electives.

# Good time with God together.
# People will put into practice what they learnt.
# That we will continue to enjoy being parents.
# Good weather for building.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Von & Colin

Von & Colin
Originally uploaded by james veltmeyer
On Saturday we had lunch with friends in Tas, Colin, Von & Alex. Von helps with our grades 3-6 group on Sunday's. It was great to catch up them & spend some time together.

# Lunch with Colin, Von & Alex.
# House plans are through council.

# Good time with God together.
# Colin & Von are expecting another child.
# That we will continue to enjoy being parents.
# Good weather for building.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Originally uploaded by james veltmeyer
Caught up with friends on Saturday for dinner. We spent the night play their Wii, I now have a character that looks just like me that I can use each time I play.

# Catching up with friends.
# Food & the Wii.

# Good time with God together.
# Prep for 2nd term.
# That we will continue to enjoy being parents.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Originally uploaded by james veltmeyer
Because of the long weekend we took the opportunity to go to Bruny. It was Will's first boat trip & time at Bruny. We relaxed, fished, collected fire wood, cleaned gutters, read, ate & had a great time together as a family.

# Relaxing as a family.
# Preaching went well.

# Good time with God together.
# God will work in people's lives from what they heard on Sunday.
# Prep for 2nd term.
# That we will continue to enjoy being parents.

Monday, June 01, 2009


Originally uploaded by james veltmeyer
I preached at St Mark's in the morning on Acts 2:1-41, the day of Pentecost & at Wellspring a mates church at night on Godly habits at the beginning of marriage. Preaching this Sunday at St Mark's on grace.

# Preaching went well.
# Wellspring is a growing church.

# Good time with God together.
# God will work in people's lives from what they heard on Sunday.
# Writing the sermon for Sunday.
# That we will continue to enjoy being parents.
# Adjusting to life with Will.