Wednesday, August 26, 2009

our family

our family
Originally uploaded by james veltmeyer
Perry & Bev were down last weekend to see Will & I think also to see Anita & I. It was great to catch up before a group of people come down in September for Will's baptism. So we took the opportunity to get a family photo.

# Time with Perry & Bev.
# Will is doing well.
# Will bringing us much joy & happiness.

# Good time with God together.
# God will strengthen us as a family.
# Good time as a family.
# Making decisions for house stuff.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Originally uploaded by james veltmeyer
On Saturday we caught up with Jo a friend in Tas who we hadn't seen in a while. It was good to have dinner together & any night with fondu as dessert is a good night.

# Dinner with Jo.
# For our friendship with Jo
# Will - bring us much joy & happiness.

# Good time with God together.
# Youth groups will finish this term well
# Good weather for building.
# Making decisions for house stuff.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Originally uploaded by james veltmeyer
I was sick last week, but back into it now. Anita's trying to get me to get rid of my snot rags & change to tissues!

# That Anita isn't sick
# Will & I are better.

# Good time with God together.
# Good weather for building.

Monday, August 03, 2009

The karate kid

The karate kid
Originally uploaded by james veltmeyer
We had come dressed as a book or movie character at our youth groups this week & Jo one of our leaders for the younger group, Scotty's came as the karate kid.

# Both Youth Groups: Crosswried 7-10 & Scotty's 3-6.
# For the many young people that come along.
# For the leaders who help out.

# Good time with God together.
# That both Youth Groups will grow in their relationship with Jesus & growth in numbers.
# That the leaders can build relationships with the young people.
# For healing - Will & James are a bit sick.